Am I Losing Water Because of This?

I’ve noticed that the area around the inside of my skimmer, sealed with what looks like marine caulk, seems to be opening up. I’m losing about 1.5 inches of water per week when it doesn’t rain. Could these cracks be the cause? I’m also seeing small amounts of dirt coming up from these cracks.

Thanks for any help!


Allow the water to fall and it will show where the leak is. This can help you find it. My leak was at the bottom of the skimmer box. I fixed it with a 1-inch thick layer of Hayward Skimmer.


You may try coloring in a syringe. Squirt it near the cracks to check whether the dye runs into them.


A typical household pool will lose around one-quarter inch of water every day due to a variety of causes. That arithmetic puts you practically precisely where you are after a week. You are OK.


@Sadie This was my initial thought. 1.5 inches each week is not out of the question.

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That’s the basket support ring, I believe, and it’s a replacement part, so hardly probable. entirely enclosed inside the skimmer’s body.