I love swimming but no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to reduce my time.
Is my height and build a factor (17M, 168 cm)?
I swim for at least 2 hours every day, 6 days a week, but I see very little progress. I’ve watched tons of tutorials on improving time but they don’t seem to help me.
I’m open to any suggestions, as I’m just starting out.
It’s frustrating to be passed by kids who are much smaller than me.
Your height is fine. If you can’t go under 30, you need to focus on the basics. Add more kicking drills. Practice catch-up drills. Work on fingertip drag drills too. Improve your flip turns and make sure your streamline is tight while facing down and extending your body. Oh, and do more kicking drills.
Neither my kids nor I can kick effectively. We’re either lacking coordination, or just doing it wrong. My kids swim on a team while I swim for fun. We can all get better (I’m aiming for a sub 30 in 50 yards, but need to speed up, and they want to improve too). Any kicking drills you can suggest?
Form matters immensely in kicking. Make sure you’re kicking the water. Keeping your kicks tight and controlled while staying below the water surface maximizes energy efficiency. You’ll get splash when you put power into it, but focus on keeping your feet low to learn proper kicking. For drills, just do volume but add variety. Use different distances and include sprints.
When using a kickboard, I sometimes let my feet come out of the water, which helps me feel faster. But that speed isn’t translating to freestyle. I guess it’s because my legs are too high. Thanks!
Vanya said: @Kelsey
Funny enough, I don’t break the surface much when kicking either. I thought it meant I was having issues!
It could be an issue if you’re not getting enough power. However, I suggest focusing on speed and making sure your kick is tight and controlled. Keep your toes pointed, feet close, and propel from your hips.
I usually do 100x4 freestyle warm up, then 100x4 freestyle kicks, followed by 100x4 freestyle kicks with fins (they hurt my ankle) in warm up. Is this enough, or should I be doing more?
Kiernan said: @Kelsey
I usually do 100x4 freestyle warm up, then 100x4 freestyle kicks, followed by 100x4 freestyle kicks with fins (they hurt my ankle) in warm up. Is this enough, or should I be doing more?
Do more. Mix it up. Try 200s. Include sprints. Do 50s every minute and rest during any extra time. Volume is key. There are many drills to try, but definitely include catch-up drills and fingertip drags to improve your stroke. You need to kick more and kick better. Fins can be useful, but keep in mind that when you kick during freestyle, you’re on your side. Your body should be streamlined but slightly twisted. Look for YouTube videos if you need visuals. Keep at it.
Kiernan said: @Kelsey
Should I be using my ankles a lot like with fins, or keep them straight? Thanks a lot; I’ll remember all this!
Your toes should be pointed, keep your ankles loose, and drive from your hips, not your knees. A lot of people kick wildly hoping to move faster. Your kicks should be intentional.
Advice from skilled swimmers sounds like nonsense to me. What do you mean by ‘use power’? I’m in a club but feel like I’m the least skilled, so they don’t talk to me much (or maybe I’m just antisocial).
You definitely need to master the flip turn. For a 50, try to only breathe a couple of times since it slows you down. Practice 50s while breathing every 3, then 5, 7, and even 9 strokes. Try some 25s without breathing too.