How do you breath properly

Been getting into swimming but struggling to figure out breath.

Do i breathe out continuously at a single consistent rate or in short “bursts” timed on each stroke?

How often should I breathe? I know depends on distance and effort but just an example for say 500m

Should i breathe out all the way? Or only ever breath out like 50% and then get more air?

Should i start each swim with a huge breath and fill my lungs? Any in breath?

When i go above water to breath how much of a breath should i take? Fill lungs?

Maybe i just have to keep at it and learn by feeling but curious whats thought by others


Breathing in swimming is personal but should be quick. Inhale naturally, exhale with each pull.

I breath every 3 to 5 strokes. This way i breath both sides.

Try to let your head half inmersed while rotating to breath, one eye below THE Water line

While your head is completely submersed, breath out controlled while stroking But try not to run out of air completely.

Use short and rapid inhale while you aré rotating to breath

There aré some usefull videos on YouTube

There are a few ways and sometimes you have to mix it up during a swim. If you can you should trickle breathe a small amount as soon as your head goes into the water then just before you turn to take a breathe give a short sharp burst to exhale all that’s left . This allows your lungs to act as buoyancy for as long as possible.

If you’re struggling try breathing every other stoke. Make it as natural as possible. Relaxed. And don’t kick too much! It’ll waste all your energy only kick to keep your balance.

I breathe naturally, exhaling after each inhale, switching sides every other lane.