Due to my schedule, I sometimes have to swim during water aerobics. The water gets choppy, and the music is annoying, but it’s manageable. However, the instructors always teach right by the open lane, practically over me. Yesterday, during my sprints with a kickboard, the instructor snapped, “Your kicking is driving me insane!” Then, old ladies started complaining about their hair getting wet. It’s a pool! Lifeguards laughed, but now the instructor is on my list.
My pool moves the lane lines so there is a barrier between the lap swimmers and ‘water babies’.
wow…that sounds smart
I run a pool and would never mix lap swim with water aerobics. The two groups most likely to complain or clash—conflict was bound to happen. These are the only groups I’ve seen have physical disputes!
At my Y pool, they often close most lanes for water aerobics during nonpeak times, but lap lanes are always full, going from 6 to just 1 or 2. It’s frustrating but manageable. I adjust my swim times and avoid the locker room when the class ends to skip the crowd. I’ve never felt like fighting over it!
My lap swimmers don’t fight with other groups of people, it’s always with each other over who should be in which lanes. It doesn’t get physical often, but it’s happened more than once, which is more than the zero times it should have.