I swam a mile today!

This took me MONTHS. When I started, I quite literally could not get from one end of the pool to other. I thought swimming wasn’t for me. But I kept going and now I can swim a mile without stopping! I was so excited I just had to share with someone :blush:

Congratulations!!! Keep swimming :swimming_man:t2::swimming_man:t2::swimming_man:t2:

thank you @Hotdish i will

@ESSY Nice work! I started swimming last year and could barely do a lap. Took me 6 months to hit a mile. Feels awesome, right? Keep it up.

’m nearly there! 1300 meters 3 times a week. I’m 60 years old and just getting back into swimming. It feels so good!

Don’t give up! I started swimming at 53. I’m 62 now and I swim 2500 meters 3 times a week.