Ori said:
Okay maybe I should start vacationing in my own country this is amazing
I have no idea what you’re saying but yeah sure
Waah sorry bilingual brain I said I should start vacationing in my own country and that this is beautiful
Ori said:
Okay maybe I should start vacationing in my own country this is amazing
I have no idea what you’re saying but yeah sure
Waah sorry bilingual brain I said I should start vacationing in my own country and that this is beautiful
Haha oh yes I agree It’s easy to overlook your own country for fun but Germany is incredibly beautiful especially in the south
Super nice
Such a beautiful pool congratulations
The one I used in Sahuarita Arizona had great views of the Santa Rita Mountains and so many stars at night I miss that pool I also miss the water slide
Kris said:
The one I used in Sahuarita Arizona had great views of the Santa Rita Mountains and so many stars at night I miss that pool I also miss the water slide
Wow that sounds amazing
It’s not fair It’s just not fair
I LOVE Germany’s outdoor pools Last summer I went to one surrounded by mountains and it was magical Many tourists don’t know about them so there were some locals and kids but it was fine I wish my neighboring country would build some too
Wow just need lane lines
Damn Envious
While it’s super cool the glare on the second pool can actually be dangerous Can’t see if someone goes under and is drowning
Reid said:
While it’s super cool the glare on the second pool can actually be dangerous Can’t see if someone goes under and is drowning
I think the lighting is different in the photo versus real life I swam there every day on my holiday in the region last month and the glare never stood out to me as dangerous Every part of the pool was visible Also there are two lifeguards on either side of the pool and they seemed to take their jobs very seriously
I’m packing my stuff
Is this real Where is that pool
Lorin said:
Is this real Where is that pool
Grainau, Germany Very real
Omg Looks great Enjoy
Wow Beyond incredible Both of them