I’m in a bit of a dilemma and could use some advice from those who might have faced a similar situation.
I’ve been swimming competitively for the past 4 years and have been taking lessons since I was around 4. I’ve always been pretty good at it, often placing first in meets, and my height gives me an edge over others. However, lately, I’ve been finding the sport increasingly tiring and, to be honest, a bit boring. It’s starting to feel more like a chore than something I enjoy.
On the other hand, I also play softball, and while I’m not as skilled at it yet as I am in swimming, I genuinely love the game. I’m starting to learn how to pitch and dream of becoming a starting pitcher one day.
I’m at a crossroads because I want to excel in both sports, but I know that to truly advance in one, I might need to drop the other. I’m still early in both careers, so I do have time to make this decision, but I’m struggling with whether to quit swimming now to focus more on softball or to stick with it a little longer before making a final choice.
What do you think? Should I continue with swimming for a while longer or make the switch to focus on softball now? Any advice or similar experiences would be really helpful. Thanks.
Are you genuinely tired of swimming, or have you simply not found anything new about it that you’d like to learn and get better at? According to the descriptions, the fun part of learning a sport is not really playing it, but rather mastering it.
You are succeeding in sports “early” and at one. perhaps we need fresh opponents? distinct emphasis? Discovering that could aid in decision-making. Both choices are reasonable; just be sure you understand why.
In the end, the decision is yours. Baseball and softball are dull to me, but swimming is fantastic and enjoyable. Furthermore, as long as you avoid illness or injury, you can swim until old age. Do you know any people who are still playing softball or baseball at the age of 80 or 90?
@CurrentCraze That’s accurate; as a team player, that’s essentially my only choice. I find it incredibly unsatisfying. Indeed, I have reasons for quitting and for staying, so it’s a difficult choice! 
@BreaststrokeBuff I can play softball and swim when I’m older, so I don’t really think swimming laps over and again is that intriguing. However, you do have a point. Even so, it won’t be that exciting.
Seriously? Does your coach not make the team swimming sessions engaging for the swimmers? Doing sprints or tight interval training? working on quick barriers and gets going…I could write forever.Though maybe that’s just me, I’ve never thought of swimming as boring laps.I did not even bring up swimming in open ocean! maybe different blows!
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