When I first got my Speedo suits, I would hand wash them using castile soap. But then my new coach told me she never washes her suit and just wears it until it dries. I can’t do that since I don’t like having that chlorine smell sticking around.
Recently, I bought another suit during a clearance sale at my local Speedo store. The salesperson advised me to rinse it with fresh water and use shampoo to wash it.
The Speedo site mentions:
Rinse with fresh, cold water after using or follow care label instructions to prevent damage from chlorine over time.
Occasionally hand wash using mild soap—do not machine wash or dry in a dryer.
Lake said:
I do what Speedo recommends. I rinse thoroughly in cold water and then let it air dry. I’ve never used a washing machine or detergent for my suits.
Same here. I use a spin machine to squeeze out the water and then let it dry in my mesh bag. They say spinning is hard on the elastics, but I haven’t noticed any issues. My suits usually last a couple of years.
I think I need to get a Speedo. I’ve been thinking about a mesh drag suit. My other jammers from Amazon fade and lose shape in just a few months even with my frequent swimming. Maybe I should just pay more for a good one.
Just rinse and let it air dry like others said. Who cares if it smells like chlorine? You’re going to wear it in the pool, so it’ll smell like chlorine anyway once you jump in.
Grier said:
Just rinse and let it air dry like others said. Who cares if it smells like chlorine? You’re going to wear it in the pool, so it’ll smell like chlorine anyway once you jump in.
I swim, then shower in the suit, and let it dry. Sometimes I put it in the washing machine once a month, but I don’t think it affects the suit’s hygiene after two years.
Vanya said:
I rinse with cold water and use mild antibacterial soap every now and then. That’s it. No spinners or dryer.
Spinners can ruin your suits. On that note, does anyone actually clean them? I saw someone drying their socks in a spinner at a community center once. That made me stop using suit spinners.
From my experience, if you don’t wash and rinse them properly, the elasticity goes away faster. I wash mine in the shower with baby wash. I haven’t tried castile soap yet, maybe I will when I run out.
I like using Molly’s Suds. They seem to help the material last longer. I get my suits from AgonSwim, and if they last four months, I’m happy. I’m not a fan of Endurance suits.
I take mine into the shower and rinse it as I take it off, then let it air dry. It might smell like chlorine, but it’s just going back into chlorine water. It’s better than wearing out an expensive suit too quickly.