Honestly, I think about nothing. It’s the only thing I can do without thinking, and I love it.
If I had to list the things I don’t think about, it would be much shorter.
I really just use it as a break from overthinking everything, I focus on counting my laps.
Without my watch, I count every stroke for the lap I’m on or else I just forget how much I’ve done. It’s almost like meditating.
I just got headphones, and it definitely changes the experience.
Ashby said:
I just got headphones, and it definitely changes the experience.
Totally agree with that!
Ashby said:
I just got headphones, and it definitely changes the experience.
Which headphones? I have the Shokz OpenSwim but I’m looking for something new.
Ashby said:
I just got headphones, and it definitely changes the experience.
Which headphones? I have the Shokz OpenSwim but I’m looking for something new.
We might never see great swimming headphones that are simple to use. It always involves ripping MP3s and setting them up, so I stick with Shokz.
I’ve realized that Bluetooth and water don’t mix well. Still curious about what others have.
I count my laps and do math like, I’m a third of the way. I pick something to focus on for each part, so I tell myself to reach and pull accordingly.
1, 2, 3, breathe. OK that’s my 10 lengths, just 20 more to go. Alright, I’m at 40 lengths and tired, but if I do another 10 I’ll be closer to 60 so let’s go for it. I’ve done 50 now… why not push for 10 more? This is a 33m pool, how does that compare to a 25m pool? If only this was an Olympic pool, the math would be simpler. It’s endless math! Oh, why’s that guy being rude, totally cut off that lady. Should I pass this person or slow down? And random thoughts come and go.
I tend to lose track of how far I’ve gone.
Vaughn said:
I tend to lose track of how far I’ve gone.
Exactly! Was that 350? It has to be 700 by now, right?
Vaughn said:
I tend to lose track of how far I’ve gone.
Exactly! Was that 350? It has to be 700 by now, right?
Am I at 775 or 725? Let’s just assume it’s 775.
Was that lap 18 or 19? Whatever, I’ll just say it was 18 for safety. swims a lap Wait, did I swim that 18th lap already or is this going to be the 18th? Oh well, I’ll assume this one is the 18th again.
Just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming swimming…
Swimming alone means headphones. Swimming in a club, I think about when another person will pass me.
A lot of music and counting. I keep track of laps and try to count strokes too.
Brynn said:
A lot of music and counting. I keep track of laps and try to count strokes too.
What headphones do you use?
Brynn said:
A lot of music and counting. I keep track of laps and try to count strokes too.
What headphones do you use?
Shokz OpenSwim Pros. They sound good and work well enough. Previously, I used Finis Duo headphones, which were nice, but too clunky.