Why is my Pentair Kreepy Krauly vacuuming slowly and getting stuck?

I have a 3-year-old Pentair 360042 Kreepy Krauly. It’s vacuuming really slow and often gets stuck. The filter is clean, water flow is good, and I replaced the hose yesterday. I’ve also changed the bumper assembly, foot pad, and seal. Any ideas on what could be wrong?


A baffle plate. It becomes slack and fails to hold the flapper in place correctly. Any amount of play will result in suction loss.


Spray the clapper with silicone spray similar to WD40 specialized.


Suction cleaners are not very frequent around me. I know the style cleaner is really frustrating and always fails versus a mx6/8 style.


Those cleaners aren’t really effective. As a pool person, I wish every pool had one of these.

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@CurrentCraze Can you believe that I have clients that still pay for weekly pool service even though they possess these? The most loyal clients :joy: