Adult male beginners how did you eventually float?

I am currently in my eighth lesson in swimming instruction, and I still can not float.

In our most recent lesson, my teacher practically yelled at me to calm down.

It is beyond me. I am at ease. There is not any strain on me. But this is a lie, I know that.

I cling to the rail to help me stay afloat on my stomach. One leg feels like it is going up. I become as heavy as a stone the instant I let go. first limb. Every time.

I am going to give up right now.

Any advice? How did you acquire knowledge?

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Practice relaxing and staying flat in the water. Use floatation aids if needed and try to stay calm. It’ll click with time and practice.

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Took adult beginner lessons 8 months ago and was taught that head position determines your body position. So, on your stomach, you have to bend your head down so that your chin touches your chest. On your back, you have to lean your head back so far that your whole forehead is in the water and water is getting in your eyes (if you’re not wearing goggles) In both positions, it helps to spread your arms and legs outward.

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eight months ago, I took adult basic lessons and learned that your head position affects your body position. You must therefore tilt your head downward such that your chin contacts your chest while lying on your stomach. If you’re not wearing goggles, you must bend your head back until your entire forehead is submerged in water while lying on your back. It’s beneficial to extend your arms and legs wide in both positions.