Are women with large breasts more or less likely to drown?

I’m assuming bazongas float.

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I’ve noticed that my wife sinks backwards because she has large breasts. Seriously, her breasts keep her afloat, but her legs and butt go under first. It’s quite the sight! Also, she finds it really uncomfortable in a hot tub; the bigger her breasts are, the more they rise up to her chin. She definitely needs something to hold them down, maybe a band or something.

I did not find any reliable scientific evidence to suggest that women with larger breasts are more or less likely to drown compared to women with smaller breasts. Breast size is not a factor that would directly impact a person’s ability to swim or risk of drowning. Factors that can influence drowning risk include swimming ability, use of life jackets, alcohol consumption, and underlying medical conditions. But breast size itself does not make someone more or less buoyant in the water. Breasts are primarily composed of fatty tissue, which is slightly less dense than water, but the difference is negligible. The size and shape of breasts do not significantly alter a person’s centre of mass or floating ability. Ultimately, drowning risk is not determined by breast size. Proper water safety precautions, such as learning to swim, wearing life jackets, and avoiding alcohol, are important for all people regardless of their body type. I did not find any credible research to support the notion that breast size is a meaningful factor in drowning statistics.

Women with large breasts may be more likely to drown because panic can make swimming harder. The extra weight can cause more fatigue, making it difficult to stay afloat until help arrives.

They are more likely to drown because people drown in the first place from panicking. Panicking with large breasts is more tiring on the body