Cramps and muscle lock! Help anyone?

I have been swimming consecutive for the past 9 months and I have done over 500 kms of swimming. I started it for weight loss and I have lost a good deal of around 35 kgs of weight (combined with a consistent diet + adequate sleep). For the past 2 months I have been pushing extra, no rest days, swimming all 7 days a week covering roughly 2700m per day. Everyday when I wake up my calf muscle cramps up pretty hard in both the legs (they take turns so that I suffer pain for more time, buggers). These cramps have been occurring daily for the past 4-5 weeks, any tips ladies & gentlemen would be appreciated! I haven’t made any major changes in my diet nor sleep.

I suffer from the same thing. Bananas and electrolytes help a lot

Yes, my first thought was bananas for potassium.

I literally forgot what Bananas taste like, will add them in the diet

Worth trying more hydration and electrolytes.

3.5-4 L of water per day won’t be enough? I live in a pretty hot and tropical area though.

Just water would not be enough without electrolytes in many cases. Sport drinks containing sodium, potassium and magnesium would probably be a good idea.