I have a 13,000-gal saltwater pool in South Florida running at about 90°. I replaced my Rj45+ SWG cell 3.5 years ago and also have a PoolSmith CO2 injector and Pentair IntelliFlo3 VSP. The pool was replastered and retiled two years back.
After cleaning the SWG with 25% muriatic acid, it starts blowing calcium flakes, and within a week, the salt level drops, and I have to clean the plates again. The pool looks great otherwise, and the chemicals are within recommended levels.
Any idea what’s causing the buildup? Should I adjust my chemical levels or add something different? Appreciate any advice!
To begin with, ensure that your pH consistently ranges from 7.4 to 7.5. Additionally, you should validate the data with a reliable kit or shop rather than depending just on your system.
@Gia Later today, I’m going to recheck every level. My reading suggests that my LSI could be too high. I believe you to be correct. The 200–400 PPM range of calcium hardness was my main emphasis up till now. Rereading my SWG FAQ, however, reveals that the “recommended range is 80-120ppm; however, you may find that a level lower than 80 may be ideal for a balanced LSI value.”