How do you swim while on your period? Is it possible to swim at all?

I’m very new to swimming, and I just wondered—can you go swimming while on your period, or is that a big no-no?


Why should you think of swimming while you are on your period? :scream_cat: it’s a BIG No…


You absolutely can swim while on your period—in fact, you should! Use a tampon or cup instead of a pad. Additionally, use a very absorbent tampon if your flow is heavy. Fresh ones should be added just before you swim and again after you’re done. I would suggest wearing a dark-colored suit and towel just in case, and try to tuck the tampon string up as far as you can to avoid drawing blood out and staining your suit.

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I spend endless hours in the water teaching swimming lessons. It’s best to use a cup, and cramps can be relieved merely by floating in the water.