Ive been having mental issues for awhile now, and I want to know how you guys handle it.
Swimming helps with anxiety by relaxing me through the water’s feel, sound, texture, and rhythm.
Three, three, three, three, turn, four, four, four, wait is this still three, four?, four?, turn, five? five? five?
I count laps like bars of music with a count on each breath. 1 2 3, 1 2 3… 2 2 3, 2 2 3…
Clock helps me know where I’m up to if I confuse myself
I find swimming intensely calming, both during my workout & after.
The term Monkey Mind addresses our primitive need to be mentally alert as a means of survival. Our modern world can be incompatible with this, it is both exhausting and antiquated. Yoga address this by focusing our mind on breathing or other repetitive motions, just like swimming. At peak mental ability, men can stop their minds and even their hearts for brief periods, until I reach this, I swim.
I listen to music on bone conductors and focus on my technique.
@FRANK I swim in an endless pool; those headphones plus earplugs were game changing in terms of letting my mind slip away as I swim
@Richbeing An endless pool? You are living the dream!