How Long Does It Take for an Adult to Learn How to Swim?

I am an adult looking to learn how to swim and am wondering how long it typically takes to become comfortable and proficient. What factors can influence the learning time, and are there any tips or strategies to speed up the process? Any personal experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Learning to swim as an adult? Totally doable! :man_swimming: For me, it took about 3 months to get comfy. Key factors: your starting point, how often you practice, and maybe even your comfort with water.


  1. Start Slow: Get used to floating and breathing before you dive into strokes.
  2. Regular Practice: A few times a week helps a lot!
  3. Private Lessons: If you can swing it, one-on-one time with a coach speeds things up.

Also, remember, everyone learns at their own pace.

The time it takes for an adult to learn how to swim can vary widely. Generally, it might take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on factors like prior experience, comfort in water, and how often you practice. Consistent lessons and practice can speed up the learning process.