Is Swimming 20 min a day 2X week worth it?

So I’ve been swimming at the local Y. 2X, occasionally 3X per week. But I only usually swim for 20 minutes or so.

Is that doing me any good from a health point of view?

I’m gonna continue doing it, since I like to swim, but I just wonder if it’s just for enjoyment or is there value in “exercising” such a small amount each week?

I suppose this applies to any exercise you do a limited amount of time a few times a week, but asking about swimming in particular. I’m 63

its much Better than 0 :slightly_smiling_face:

Yep, better than 0. Any movement beats sitting on your ass.

Absolutely at 63, no doubt!

But why 20? How did you come up with that number?

Mostly a scheduling thing. And I still got a day job

A little bit is a lot better than nothing, keep it up!