Is there a hack to not have to hold down the button the entire time I'm opening/closing my auto pool cover?

Hey PoolLovers,

I’ve got an automatic pool cover that I open and close using a keypad. The process is pretty straightforward: I type in my 4-digit code, hit the check mark, and then have to hold down either the open or close button for the entire time it takes to open or close. I get that this is a safety feature, but honestly, it’s kind of a pain, especially when closing it.

Here’s the issue: I often have to stop mid-close, run over to the pool robot hose to make sure it’s positioned just right in the corner so it doesn’t get tangled, and then sprint back to the keypad to finish closing it. If I don’t do this fast enough—within 10 seconds—the keypad times out, and I have to re-enter the code. #FirstWorldProblem, I know, but it’s really frustrating!

So, I’m wondering: is there a secret code or hack that lets the cover keep closing even if I’m not standing there holding the button? Does anyone who works at know if this kind of workaround exists? I’d love to be able to set it and forget it without having to race back and forth.


You have to hold it the entire time for a purpose. In order to prevent you from killing someone.


I had no idea why this was a safety feature! Now I get it.

It’s like how you’d be annoyed if your car could only go the speed limit or wouldn’t start until you put your seatbelt on. Sometimes, I just want to use my own judgment and let the cover close without having to hold the button down.


@Sadie You already know the solution, so why are you still searching for another one? People will think you are mad if you keep this going on…


You can uninstall it and roll up your cover like the man you’re supposed to be :smirk: :unamused:

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Hack: Put it in service mode, so you may prevent the need to enter the code for ten minutes.