Learning to Swim as an Adult—First Time in the Deep Pool

I’m learning to swim as an adult, and today was a huge milestone for me—I swam in the deep pool for the first time! My teacher was watching from a distance, but I did it on my own. :face_holding_back_tears:

It’s been such a journey. I’ve started and quit swimming lessons so many times, doubting if I could ever get the hang of it. But now, for the first time, I actually believe I can do this!

I’m still a beginner and have a long way to go, but this small win feels like a giant leap for me. For anyone else learning to swim later in life, do you have any tips or words of encouragement to keep building confidence?

Congratulations! Swimming is not only great exercise, but it is also a helpful skill that could save your life.

Well done. I’m where you are. It feels good doesn’t it.

Keep up the good work!

Fallon said:
Well done. I’m where you are. It feels good doesn’t it.

Keep up the good work!

Took me ages to work up the courage to swim in water deeper than I can stand up in. Now I’ve swam in a pool that had a max depth of 3.5m. The sense of achievement is REAL.

Yeeee! :raised_hands:

Fallon said:
Well done. I’m where you are. It feels good doesn’t it.

Keep up the good work!

Thank you, and you too. :star:

Thank you all! Where I live, the indoor pools are all much deeper than my height so this is a significant milestone because it allows me to continue my classes/practice in winters. :slight_smile:

Keep at it, soon you’ll be so water confident you’ll get into any body of water… pools, lakes, rivers, oceans!

Hux said:
Keep at it, soon you’ll be so water confident you’ll get into any body of water… pools, lakes, rivers, oceans!

:star_struck::partying_face::tada: thank you. Can’t even imagine right now.

Willoughby said:

Hux said:
Keep at it, soon you’ll be so water confident you’ll get into any body of water… pools, lakes, rivers, oceans!

:star_struck::partying_face::tada: thank you. Can’t even imagine right now.

That’s your future!

Really happy for you. :ok_hand:

Yay!! Not easy to learn something new! You’ve got this :muscle:t4:

Nice! Good :crossed_fingers: it will be fine.

Awesome to hear, bud! Keep it up, you’ll love it.


Congrats!! Keep it up!!

Well done! Happy swimming!

Well done!

Well done my friend!!:muscle:


Good job! You’ll only get better!