New swimmer,what drills should I do to get fast improvement?

I am a beginner swimmer and can barely swim 50 yards. What drills should I do to improve quickly? Here is a video of my swimming, any advice would be appreciated.

To get better at body positioning which is crucial since it makes you appear to be swimming very deep try catch-up freestyle. It’s important for freestyle swimmers to avoid submerging their shoulders or posterior in the water. It’ll also support the growth of a powerful kick.

You can start doing these simple drills to be a perfectionist:

  • Body position drills: Kick with a kickboard while holding your head down for a sleek bodyline in the water.
  • Kick drills: Practice flutter kicks from your hips, not your knees, while holding onto the pool wall.
  • Sculling drills: Lie on your front and scull with small hand motions; this builds upper body strength.
  • One-arm drills: Swim with one arm at a time to improve your stroke and breathing on both sides.

Start short, practice consistently, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! You’ll be a swimming pro in no time.

Key areas to focus on to improve your time are: body rotation, stroke angle, kicking power, and turns . It’s also key to focus on your breathing (which we’ll cover later). Drills will let you focus on improving specific parts of your technique.