Question About washing hair?

I swim competitively, I have been for years and a bunch of people have told me “you can’t wash your hair every day it will damage it” or something about natural oils (I already have super oily hair) and I do believe this but if I don’t shampoo and condition every day the chlorine soaks in and I feel is just as bad, but some people just won’t let it go. So what should I do?

Thoroughly wet your hair with clean water before you put your cap on. This helps prevent your hair from absorbing so much chlorine.

Wash your hair with a chlorine removal shampoo and follow with a good conditioner after every swim.

You can search “hair” or “haircare” on this sub for more detailed advice and brands, but that’s the standard advice.

I’m sad this is so far down the thread.

Grew up a swimmer. There’s no magic solution. It’s going to mess up your hair. I just embraced it as part of being a swimmer. I think the best thing is just to wash and condition every time.

Montana said:
Grew up a swimmer. There’s no magic solution. It’s going to mess up your hair. I just embraced it as part of being a swimmer. I think the best thing is just to wash and condition every time.

Yeah exactly this. Just embrace the damaged hair and do your best.

Citric acid 1/2 tsp per cup of water in a spray bottle will neutralize the chlorine, then wash and condition. Don’t use the 2-in-1; it doesn’t work.

Dude, wash your hair every day.

Chlorine will just as easily ruin your hair. I shampoo and condition every other day but just shampoo after every swim. It gets the chlorine coating off my hair. I used to swim 3 times and then wash my hair, and my hair was DEAD within 6 months.

Been swimming about 3-4 times a week and I have to wash and condition my hair every time. I usually put conditioner or oil in my hair before a swim as an extra layer, and my hair still feels kinda like straw after a swim.

Daughter swims 6 days a week; she showers and thoroughly rinses out her hair in the pool locker room every time, and it seems to do the trick.

Everyone’s hair is different. You have to figure out what works for you. After swimming, you have to wash it, end of story. Find a shampoo and conditioner that work for you. Use hair masks or treatments when you can. For the people saying it’ll definitely mess up your hair—I’ve swum multiple times a week for years and regularly get compliments from hairstylists about how healthy my hair is. I also don’t style or dye it, which makes a difference. People who are adamant about not washing your hair too frequently just don’t get it.

It’s a myth that you shouldn’t wash your hair every day. Just keep washing your hair after each training.

I’ve been swimming for 30+ years and have washed my hair 2+ times a day on average in that time. Still waiting for the impending damage to destroy my life…

Dr. Bonner’s Citrus Soap has been awesome for my hair.

Depends on your hair. My hair health improved greatly when I started wearing a cap in college. I’ve never not washed my hair though, and it’s never caused me problems. Since I started swimming again, the pool I train in is really hot so I’ve taken my cap off. My hair no longer needs product to style it, but when it dries, it’s super soft.

I’m in the same boat. I swim five days a week and my hair only looks good the day after it’s been washed, so I essentially have five bad hair days a week. I did start doubling up on swim caps, and that’s helped. I still have to wash it but it’s less damaged by the chlorine.

I wash my hair every day and it is very healthy. It might not be the right move for everyone, but if your hair and scalp are okay with it, no one else should care. If it works for you, go with it. “Thanks for your concern. I’ll take it under advisement.”

A friend made me a hair oil with argan oil and nice scents to put on the ends of my hair; apparently that will help. My local pool has been closed since Christmas, so I haven’t had the chance to test it yet.

There was a thread on here about keeping your hair dry. Something about wearing a headband underneath your cap. I’ve only been swimming a little, but if I was swimming every day, I’d definitely try to figure out a way to keep my hair dry.