Teaching Someone to Swim

Hey folks,

I am trynna teach my friend how to swim, but I’m not quite sure where to start. Any tips or techniques you’ve found effective in teaching adults how to swim? I want to make sure it’s a positive experience for them.


I taught my GF some years back but that was based on a few years of teaching children years before that. If you’re keen to teach your friend, go to your local pool when they’re teaching children and see how they do it. Most beginners are about water confidence, making slashes, buoyancy, and then moving on to doggy paddling. Others above mention that you might not get them out of their depth quickly. But the confidence may grow if they know you’re there for them.

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Teaching adults to swim can be really challenging even more so when the person is not the “unreachable” type.

You can follow the following youtube video and I hope that you will get help.