Goggles, suit, water bottle, and headphones. I also keep my gym bag stocked with clothes and a towel
Arin said:
Goggles, suit, water bottle, and headphones. I also keep my gym bag stocked with clothes and a towel
I forget my water bottle half the time.
A clock
I always have goggles and ear plugs. I also bring short fins and a pull buoy.
Goggles and a water bottle (assuming it’s a lap pool and not open water)
I have an audioflood mp3 player. If I forget to charge it, I’m in for a rough swimming experience (I’m that person who stays in the slow lane). Same goes for goggles.
My kit also has a swimsuit, flip-flops, towel, soap, and moisturizer. I took the plunge and shaved my head at New Year to avoid dealing with long hair at the pool. It has made things easier and I no longer carry deep conditioner, swim cap, elastics, hair towel, shampoo, conditioner, or comb… I just need to buy scalp serum and maybe some shampoo for my fuzz. But if I forget soap, that’s okay too. I walk to work and it’s at a university with pool facilities, so I don’t regret buzzing my hair again.
Suit, cap, goggles, towel, shampoo/conditioner, hairbrush! Sometimes paddles, fins, or pull buoys too.
Goggles, my eyes burn and feel uncomfortable without them.
If I forget my Shokz, I turn around and go home.
I can’t swim without music
My usual pack
Ear plugs
Phone (for paying for the swim)
Plastic bag (for wet stuff)
Headphones (Shokz)
Water bottle
Optional swim toys for sets
Goggles. I’m genuinely scared of swimming with my eyes closed, and I can’t open my eyes without goggles. I tried it once, and NO… JUST NO
Goggles. I really don’t understand how water polo players manage without them.
Goggles and a swimsuit
Body glide or some sort of anti-chafe balm
Jolyn swimsuit is a must for me
Goggles, cap, travel towel, flip-flops.
I can swim without anything but myself.
But here’s what’s in my bag:
- Cap
- Goggles
- Swimsuit
- Earplugs
- Headphones
- Fins
- Paddles (which I rarely use)
- Towels
- Shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in conditioner
- Lotion
- Water bottle
- Plastic bag for wet items
- Swim watch band for my Apple Watch
I carry a good amount of stuff, but I use nearly all of it regularly, and it fits nicely.
According to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a towel is the most essential item for an interstellar hitchhiker, and that definitely applies to swimmers too.