What’s in your swim bag?

A towel, shower gel, various Swedish goggles (the one I want to use, a replacement, and a backup, and one that is good but uncomfortable to wear), anti-fog solution, finger paddles (Arena) that I never use, a pull and kick (Speedo) that I use too much, fins (Arena Pro Fin II)

Edit: Forgot the earplugs

My bag is huge! I also swim during my workday so I come to/from work in an office

4 plastic bags

  1. Pool plastic bag - towel 1, pull buoy, goggles, swim cap, swim suit, rash guard (I was sick of trying to apply sunblock on my back and smelling sunblock all day)
  2. Shower plastic bag - shampoo, body wash, face wash, scrubby towel, and towel 2
  3. Clothing plastic bag - spare undies/bra, post-swim outfit
  4. Shoes plastic bag - shower/swim slippers

Then I also have a small canvas bag with: combo lock, face moisturizer, hair oil, body lotion, eyeliner/blush I typically carry a set of fins too but I barely use those and keep them in my car for the most part Other extras I like to have are giant 2-gallon zip locks in case I need to get all my wet stuff in one place and a spare towel

  • Beach towel (from Walmart)
  • Goggles (FORM)
  • Swim cap (no-name Amazon one that has narwhals on it)
  • Syryn MP3 player
  • 3-in-1 wash (SoCozy anti-chlorine)
  • Elf face moisturizer
  • Comb (I have very short hair)
  • Deodorant
  • Pantyliners
  • Waterproof phone bag
  • Protein bar

Goggles, cap plus spares
Suits at least 2
Tempo trainer, Polar tracking sensor
Towel, tubing, and bands for warm-up
Extra charging battery
Water bottle
Bar shampoo/conditioner

Mesh bag with:
Board, fins
Paddles - 2 sets
Drag chute
Drag sox (DIY from dollar store)

I have just my phone, suit, goggles (I swim with no cap), and water lol

Flip-flops, goggles, head cap, towel, a plastic bag for wet clothes, a tiny bottle of body wash, an extra underwear, and swimming trunks

Swim cap, goggles, body wash, towel
Pro tip: fold your wet suit and put it in your swim cap to avoid carrying extra plastic bags

Towel, swim instructor uniform, jammer, 3 goggles, 2 swim caps, a pool body, plus a set of paddles and fins Additionally, I carry a notebook and pen to take swim-related notes

Swimsuit, cap, goggles, nose clip, fins, kickboard, flip-flops

  • Goggles (Speedo Futura Biofuse)
  • Generic long hair silicon swim cap
  • ‘No brand’ pull-kick swimboard
  • One big bath towel
  • Triswim shampoo, my normal conditioner & triswim moisturizer
  • Roll-on deodorant
  • Underwear (I wear my costume underneath clothes to the pool)
  • Stash of £1 coins for the lockers
  • Random bottle of drink
  • Spare carrier bag to put very wet/shampoo-y stuff into

My hair’s really long so it gets wet whatever cap I use and takes an age to dry So I wash it at the pool showers and walk home with it wrapped in the towel

Goggles/case, inhaler, epipen, lock, cap, water bottle, vitamin C lotion, and hair oil Oh, and hopefully, I remembered my towel :rofl:

One plastic case (with zipper) containing the microfiber towel rolled, slippers (thong style) and the swimming suit I use it after training as my “wets” bag

In the other case, which has two compartments, I put the goggles, the cap(s), my phone and a little paper (written in pencil) with the training of the day In the second compartment I have the shampoo/bodywash - they’re the same product - some conditioner spray, comb, and deodorant

Once I’m done training I rinse and wash everything with normal water and I put all the wets in the big bag (I have a supermarket plastic one for the slippers when they’re used; as I rinse them and wash them at home of course) and that’s it :slight_smile:

I have a roots school bag (swim bags are too expensive) and in it are:

  • Speedo Vanquishers 2.0
  • Club cap x2
  • Towel (Amazon?)
  • Gatorade water bottle
  • Flip-flops
  • Change of clothes (after swimming, usually pajamas unless morning practice, then hoodie and jeans)
  • Skipping rope
  • Resistance band